Since the BNC liqudiity is drained in Kucoin by withdrawing to Bifrost-Polkadot. This proposal aims to fuel the BNC liquidity at:
This will take several steps:
- Propose to transfer 800,000 BNC from Bifrost-Polkadot Treasury to Foundation (dmTEFZ77m7WtJmd7PY6pMh111uTtW9jpwfwasTGsWKUGp5M)
- Bifrost Foundation fuels 800,000 BNC to Kucoin
- Bifrost Foundation withdraws 800,000 BNC from Kucoin to Bifrost-Kusama
- Bifrost Foundation sends 800,000 BNC to Bifrost-Kusama Treasury
*Bifrost Treasury: eCSrvbA5gGNYdM3UjBNxcBNBqGxtz3SEEfydKragtL4pJ4F (same on Bifrost-Kusama and Bifrost-Polkadot)