This is a funding application proposal for technical purpose, applying for 5,000 DOT from the Bifrost Treasury (eCSrvbA5gGNYdM3UjBNxcBNBqGxtz3SEEfydKragtL4pJ4F) to the Bifrost Foundation (dmTEFZ77m7WtJmd7PY6pMh111uTtW9jpwfwasTGsWKUGp5M).
This fund will serve as a decision deposit on a Polkadot Referendum proposal. The proposal aims to append Bifrost parachain 3356's lease to Bifrost parachain 2030, preventing any pause in block production for a certain period.
Check more technical details in the Polkadot proposal:
We can consider the following options after the execution of the Polkadot proposal: