Trouble about your real yield or about rewards directly

9mos ago
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Thx for raising questions, i don't think it's an appropriate channel, better to use our socials on Discord for instance. I can't share any screenshot here to illustrate what i'm saying.

But anyway, you are pretty wrong in your calculation unfortunately. It has already been verified by other users in the past moreover. As you can guess, we are watched by many users, you are not the 1st one to have this kind of questions obviously, which is a good thing.

  • Anyone is free to check we are displaying proper data
  • If we don't, then we correct it.

1. APR vs APY
Polkadot staking yield is displayed as APR.
We display our yield yield APY because vDOT is yeald-bearing as for any other vTokens, meaning we are auto-compounding staking rewards on a daily basis for DOT.

So here, you can't basically compare 1:1 the 2 yields.

2. Current staking fee
The current staking fee is 5%, not 10%. So basically your whole computation is wrong here.
See the fee displayed in the vStaking page:

3. Avg yield
The industry usually sets the 7d moving average as the standard, but it can vary from 1 LST provider to another.
For instance Acala uses a 30d moving avg which is less accurate but more stable over time.

7d, 30d and 90d avg yields can all be seen, and compared with network avg, on the vDOT APY Analysis also available on the vStaking page:, just click on the label "base yield + Farm yield" under the main APY display.

-> As you can see, at the time i'm writing:
Network avg APY = 16.25%
vDOT 7d APY = 14.04%
vDOT 30d APY = 16.11%
vDOT 90d APY = 17.03%

We are hiding anything, it can happen that temporarly the vDOT APY decreases because the unstaking requests have an impact on the global APY. If many people stake vDOT, the APY will rise, it's common and based on the vDOT APY calculation depending on the moving avg.


4. Validator commissions
They are also displayed on the dapp:

I hope i have answered your questions.


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