Name of node provider: HIRISH (Polkadot)
Brief Description on node provider: I'm an engineer following the cryptospace since 2010.
I was an active collator for Bifrost-Kusama running smoothly for years
I'm currenly running the following validator (in the active set):
As my day-to-day job I manage a server farm of 4000+ servers, the Bifrost-Polkadot collator is in good hands, I assure you :)
Number of nodes that want to join the Validator Boost List: 1
The address of the node that wants to join the Validator Boost List and which network: 1ZSBCqzRGDqGSNBZYoMR3kFGhcXdgRhm9nDV88j7ZvWGUc4
Liquidity Contribution by VBL Applicant:
At the moment all my DOT and KSM are used to participate to DN program but I have the intention to participate with liquidity soon once I get some rewards from the DN program.
I would really love your support, as you did for Bifrost-Kusama in all those years.